Mrs. Radha Nandhini
Principal's Message
Education is a lifelong learning adventure and at Kalvi, we take students through this journey of making change makers to instill a deep belief in the Indian values, yet with an International outlook. Confidence is instilled upon individuals by providing them a learning ambience where they break the barriers of fear and explore their innate and acquired skills to learn beyond the walls and be the change that they wish to see in the world.
The inspiring learning ambience, personalized attention by passionate people and multi directional student enrichment programs take their learning more and beyond the classrooms. Learning is all fun at Kalvi for the young leaders as we believe, the child's happiness is equally important to accelerate their knowledge acquisition. We live in an interconnected complex world that is changing at an unheard pace and preparing our children to succeed in this challenging environment demands a realistic and holistic approach in educating them and Kalvi maneuvers to reach this widened horizon through its Philosophy, Vision, Mission and Core Values.